Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Unfortunately bad news today...

So this morning I (Elizabeth) took mama to Coastal Cancer Center for a regular check up and some labs.. Her levels were elevated, and her resting heart rate was high... Her anemia was a little low, and she got a shot today for that to help build up the red blood cells. She got a saline drip also to help with the hydration and hopefully help detoxify the liver somewhat but mostly for the dehydration. Unfortunately the nurse practitioner was the only doctor she saw today, and has explained to us that Conway hospital sent her pathology reports to Duke, and Duke sent a report back stating that she now has a new type of cancer.... The new cancer is harder to fight and is more rare.. its called Neuroendcrine carcinoma of the colon with liver metastases. The neuroendcrine cancer just happened to find an unfortunate home in the colon, so basically its never was colon cancer to begin with. Doctors aren't sure where the cancer really began or how long its been living... So this cancer is definetely worse. The chemo she is taking now is going to be the same and hopefully in the near future they will add another medicine to the regime, Duke would do the same chemo there as they will here. The doctor prescribed some medicine for uric acid because her liver is just not working properly right now and there is a lot of acid and toxins hanging out. Maybe she can get into clinical trials at a cancer center, but Dr. Cody will be researching this very thoroughly. She is very weak and tired, and physically she cant do much at all. We need prayers now more than ever and we truly need a miracle! PLEASE PRAY!!!


  1. Definitely praying! God is in control, we know that. We know He is holding all of you close. In fact, He has your name engraved in the palm of His hand. May His peace overshadow you.

    Much love, Tim, Heather and Catherine

  2. Please know that I am praying for Lori constantly, as well as for your entire family! She is also on the choir prayer list, as well as on the church prayer chain @ Darlington Presbyterian. I know, without a shadow, that God is with you guys every step of the way! Let him hold you or even carry you when needed! He IS in control and I am so thankful all of you realize his healing power! May He help Lori rest and be comfortable, as well as giving you all the strength you need to face each new day.

    I love you all,

  3. One time when Bob was so very sick there was only one thing I could pray; it was for grace and mercy. I would just keep praying for God's grace and mercy for the both of us over and over again--I was having trouble focusing but I could pray this constantly and continually even when exhausted ...it was amazing to see how God did that...How he gave grace and mercy.I pray that God would give grace and mercy for you and your family.

  4. Lori, you and your family are in my prayers!

  5. Hope someone updates us...we are praying...don't want to call and bother you!
