Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pancake Breakfast

The pancake breakfast was a huge hit! Thanks go to the Thomas' and the Benson's for planning everything. Thanks to everyone who helped, and to all who came. It was wonderful to hear of how many people were there.

As you may know, Mama does not have much time left here. We're spending all of our time with her, as you can imagine.

Keep praying!


  1. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
    Love to you all,

  2. Lori, we are keeping up on you through this site. We pray for you daily and are right on the front line of the "fight" with you. I am sorry we do not know you better but feel at this time it is more important for you to spend the time with famiy and long term friends. You are by no means on our "back burner", though. Know that you are loved and never far from our thoughts and prayers. Every time I talk to someone about you the word "amazing" comes up about you or your attitude. What a witness you are to so many and God is using you to minister to others through your attitude. You go girl! We wish God's continued peace and comfort to you and your family. Fran and Ed Mahaffey

  3. Lori, I just want to let you know how wonderful and dear a friend you are and I keep you and your family in my prayers every day. I know things have been hectic and I've missed talking with you a few times on the phone. Just know you are always on my mind and if there is anything I can do please let me know. Love you,
    Sherri Thompkins

  4. Just got back from the mountains--you have been continually in our prayers!
