Saturday, August 29, 2009

Prayer Walk

THANK YOU!!! The prayer walk was a great event! There was probably 40-50 people that came out- so terrific to see just a fraction of all the wonderful people who love our Mama! If you came, you know how great it went. I'm excited to see who wins the raffles and how much money was raised! When I told Mama afterward how great the walk went, she started crying! I asked her what was wrong and she said (through tears), "I just feel so loved. I don't know how to thank everyone." So needless to say, she is so appreciative for everyone's love, generosity, and prayers. She says that she feels the prayers all the time, so keep them coming!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Prayer Walk and Fund Raiser for Lori Pharr Please join us THIS SATURDAY!!! Men Women and Children are invited. Location:Conway Marina Park Time:7:45AM Saturday, August 29th

Please come out and show your support... there will be refreshments afterward...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back home!

Today, around 11:45, the wonderful TransMed people came and loaded Mama up. After successfully getting her back home, a Hospice nurse assessed her to make sure she was comfortable after being transported. She's settled into her new hospital bed quite nicely. It's important that we keep rotating her as much as possible in order to prevent bed sores and such, so we move her as frequently as we can and as frequently as she feels she can. We know people want to come visit and we are so thankful that they do, but please try to keep it inbetween 9-10 am or 2-3 pm. We appreciate everything everyone is doing for us! Keep praying!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Coming Home

Tomorrow (Wednesay) Mama will be coming home from the hospital. Not sure what time, but definitely tomorrow. Today, Hospice brought over a bunch of equipment- a hospital bed, oxygen tank, etc.- basically anything that Mama will use or might need to use in the future. After discussing with Dr. Cody and Dr. Sasser, we've decided that will not continue chemo because it will only further damage her liver. And as Mama said, "I am not going to do something that will further damage my body." So now, we're setting Mama up to be as comfortable as possible at home. If you haven't seen her yet, know that she is so at peace with the things to come. It makes everything so much easier. Keep praying!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

This morning, around 7:30, Daddy took Mama to the ER at Conway Hospital, per Mama's request. Nothing serious, just a lot of discomfort. Thankfully, she was the first patient at the ER, so she didn't have to wait. The put an IV into her to put Lasiks in her to reduce the swelling. A little after 12, they admitted her to a room. She's been admitted with pneumonia, but the nurse said her lungs were clear, so we don't think it's a very severe case. They're pumping antibiotics into her for the pneumonia. She is glad to be in the hospital so that she can rest and be taken care of properly. So far, she's asked to not have any visitors so that she can sleep a lot. That might change tomorrow though. We'll keep you updated : )

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Update on things

Ok. So lots of doctors appointments this week. One every day actually.

Monday: Trip to Dr. Cody's to see about some swelling on the stomach. The swelling wasn't anything to be concerned about, but Dr. Cody expressed to Mama that she wasn't 100% sure about the new diagnosis.

Tuesday: Back to Dr. Cody's for chemo, but no chemo was actually administered. Dr. Cody informed Mama that with the neuroendocrine cancer there are two types: fast and slow growing. Unfortunately, she has the fast growing. Dr. Cody has conferred with Duke and M.D. Anderson and has been told that there are only 3 types of chemo drugs for this fast growing neuroendocrine cancer. One of those drugs has a risk of further damaging her liver. And being that this cancer is so rare, the 3 drugs are somewhat older and offer rougher side effects- hair loss, vomiting, etc. So overall, Tuesday didn't exactly bring good news.

Wednesday: Back to Dr. Cody's to starts the new chemo. After being pumped with a little bit of steriods, antinausea drugs and some saline, the new chemos were administerd. So far, no bad side effects- thankfully. Also, the oncologist's nurse practioner came up to Mama today and said, "You know you're already a little miracle. Never have I seen someone with such a poorly functioning liver that is operating so well!" So thank God for that! Also some good news, Dr. Cody is conferring with a neuroendocrine specialist at Stanford and Johns Hopkins about Mama's cancer- seeing if they offer any kind of specialized treatment or clinical trials, etc. So hopefully we'll hear more back from them soon.

Mama is still in good spirits and is so thankful for the help that we have been receiving.

Also- if you are local and close to us, PLEASE join us Friday (August 14th) at 7 pm for a prayer vigil. The vigil will be held at Calvary Chapel, which is on the frontage road right off of 501 heading into Myrtle Beach. The building where Jammin' Leather used to be is the location you'll look for. Please come if you can!!

Keep praying!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Unfortunately bad news today...

So this morning I (Elizabeth) took mama to Coastal Cancer Center for a regular check up and some labs.. Her levels were elevated, and her resting heart rate was high... Her anemia was a little low, and she got a shot today for that to help build up the red blood cells. She got a saline drip also to help with the hydration and hopefully help detoxify the liver somewhat but mostly for the dehydration. Unfortunately the nurse practitioner was the only doctor she saw today, and has explained to us that Conway hospital sent her pathology reports to Duke, and Duke sent a report back stating that she now has a new type of cancer.... The new cancer is harder to fight and is more rare.. its called Neuroendcrine carcinoma of the colon with liver metastases. The neuroendcrine cancer just happened to find an unfortunate home in the colon, so basically its never was colon cancer to begin with. Doctors aren't sure where the cancer really began or how long its been living... So this cancer is definetely worse. The chemo she is taking now is going to be the same and hopefully in the near future they will add another medicine to the regime, Duke would do the same chemo there as they will here. The doctor prescribed some medicine for uric acid because her liver is just not working properly right now and there is a lot of acid and toxins hanging out. Maybe she can get into clinical trials at a cancer center, but Dr. Cody will be researching this very thoroughly. She is very weak and tired, and physically she cant do much at all. We need prayers now more than ever and we truly need a miracle! PLEASE PRAY!!!