Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Coming Home

Tomorrow (Wednesay) Mama will be coming home from the hospital. Not sure what time, but definitely tomorrow. Today, Hospice brought over a bunch of equipment- a hospital bed, oxygen tank, etc.- basically anything that Mama will use or might need to use in the future. After discussing with Dr. Cody and Dr. Sasser, we've decided that will not continue chemo because it will only further damage her liver. And as Mama said, "I am not going to do something that will further damage my body." So now, we're setting Mama up to be as comfortable as possible at home. If you haven't seen her yet, know that she is so at peace with the things to come. It makes everything so much easier. Keep praying!

1 comment:

  1. Lori - keep fighting and know that so many people are praying for you and sending you and your family lots of love. I think of you everyday and even though I don't know you all that well, you are in my heart!
