Sunday, August 16, 2009

This morning, around 7:30, Daddy took Mama to the ER at Conway Hospital, per Mama's request. Nothing serious, just a lot of discomfort. Thankfully, she was the first patient at the ER, so she didn't have to wait. The put an IV into her to put Lasiks in her to reduce the swelling. A little after 12, they admitted her to a room. She's been admitted with pneumonia, but the nurse said her lungs were clear, so we don't think it's a very severe case. They're pumping antibiotics into her for the pneumonia. She is glad to be in the hospital so that she can rest and be taken care of properly. So far, she's asked to not have any visitors so that she can sleep a lot. That might change tomorrow though. We'll keep you updated : )


  1. Thanks so much for keeping us updated...glad she is getting the care she needs.

  2. Kelsie, thank you so much for doing this blog. It cannot be easy for you with all you have to do. I know that I speak for all of us who follow the blog when I say how much we all appreciate your efforts. I have all of you in my prayers and in my heart. I wish I could hold your mama in my arms. I miss being able to see her. Kiss her for me. Mama Ginny
