Saturday, July 25, 2009

A good Saturday

God blessed me with enough energy to accompany Kelsie and Gene to the College of Charleston for Kelsie's college visit. It doesn't take much energy to ride in the car for two hours, but the process of showering, and getting ready is absolutely exhausting right now. I figured the extreme fatigue and rapid heart beat were a result of anemia. While I am three pints low, the culprit is in fact my liver, which is not filtering toxins like it should, so it's causing these symptoms. The Doctor gave me an RX for some hideous powder that I'm supposed to mix with water and drink right away. I tried, but one sip made me gag. Maybe I'll try it with juice and see if I can do it. Basically, it was like trying to drink the beach.

Back to College of Charleston-it's beautiful. If you've never been to Charleston, SC, you must go. The only tough part of the day was Gene pushing me on the tour in a wheel chair over old brick sidewalks buckled with centuries old oak tree roots. He did the best he could, but there were a few scary and painful moments. I slept in the backseat of the car of the way home to recover.

Chemo starts Tuesday around 8:30 a.m. and I'm scared and excited at the same time. This cancer crap needs to start dying ASAP, and hopefully the liver will begin functioning better with it. I'm a little jaundiced right now (most apparent in the eyes). I'm sick of feeling so tired. Please continue your prayers of healing for me and my family. They are working hard and being awesome, but I really don't like being waited on (all of the time, anyway:) )

I'll update after treatment one. Peace y'all.


  1. Excited about C of C for Kelsie. If you guys make another trip down anytime let us know we'd love to meet up. We'll be praying this Tues.

    Love from Team Libbon

  2. One time when I had to drink something nasty at the hospital I would take a small sip and quickly chew gum, then take the gum out and take another sip...then more gum. It took me forever to get the entire drink down....I feel for you.

    Praying for you.

  3. Prayers are with you for tomorrow's treatment.
    Sue D

  4. Thinking of you Lori and hoping the first treatment goes well. So many of your family at Tech have ridden this insane roller coaster and have exited the ride with health happiness and the courage to face anything, me included. I know that you are on your way to joining those ranks :-)
    Myself and all the Cafe girls send our love and prayers to you and your family. Keep posting.
    Big hugs, Allison Krimminger & Staff.

  5. Praying for you as your treatments begin, Lori! I wonder if you could stir that powder into applesauce? A college friend has a daughter who has to take a powdered med and that's the only way she can get it down.

    Love and Hugs, Heather Underwood
